If we lost you at jackfruit, hear us out. Jackfruit happens to be an awesome substitute for shredded chicken or pulled pork, because it's texture is similar, and when not yet ripe or "young", it's practically flavorless. If you think it sounds too foreign or complicated, don't worry, we have an incredibly fool-proof hack that makes this recipe quick and easy, even for someone who's never seen a jackfruit. You can simply buy Upton's Naturals barbecue jackfruit (they also carry original/unflavored as well as other flavors and typically are found by other meat alternatives at the grocery store). We like this brand because the ingredients are clean and minimal and the jackfruit is ready to go and deliciously flavored.

These pulled "pork" tacos are great for game day and go perfect on a Siete almond or cassava flour tortilla topped with avocado and our vegan coleslaw. The recipe for the coleslaw can be found here on the bog, and it can either be done Asian-style or more traditional. Either way tastes amazing with the barbecue tacos!

Ingredients Serves 2 (for 2 tacos per person)
1 package Upton's Naturals barbecue jackfruit
1 avocado
1 jalapeno, chopped (optional for topping)
1 lime
vegan coleslaw for topping
optional cilantro for topping
1. In a pan on medium high heat, warm up the package of jackfruit, stirring periodically for about 7 minutes or until completely warmed and tender.
2. Prepare the vegan coleslaw-- click here for the recipe.
3. Warm tortillas stovetop or in the oven for just about 30-45 seconds on each side.
4. Make your tacos by filling them with the barbecue pulled jackfruit, coleslaw, and sliced avocado and jalapenos for topping.
5. Option to top with additional cilantro and lime juice.
*you may have extra jackfruit left over. Either have yourself another taco ;) or save it to have another day, on a sandwich, or on top of a salad!